For Third Sector organisations, particularly religious charities, raising funds can sometimes prove difficult and charitable donations from members provide a much-needed source of income. With the HMRC’s gift aid scheme, for every £1 donated, charities can claim an extra 25p. Gift aid has the potential to unlock extra value on every donation. (You can find out more details at
But that’s just the beginning of the story. Numerous charities fail to take advantage of this beneficial tax relief scheme, losing thousands of pounds in the process. Even more worryingly, are those that utilise the scheme but don’t maximise the opportunity; leading to literally millions of pounds going unclaimed every year. GoodtoGive are the Gift Aid management Experts and have helped many clients recoup this money and put it to good use. GoodtoGive’s team of professionals will implement an accurate, timely and thorough claim process on your behalf that can make all the difference in achieving your goal of greater prosperity for your charity or church.
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