march, 2019

Event Details
Free Trustee Responsibility - Charity Governance and Compliance Seminar & Workshop - Croydon, London. 16th March 2019
Event Details
Free Trustee Responsibility – Charity Governance and Compliance Seminar & Workshop – Croydon, London. 16th March 2019
We will be holding a special free trustee seminar and workshop on Saturday 16th March.
This is an essential event if you are a trustee of a charity, in charge of Gift Aid/HMRC tax relief, or charity accounts reporting. We will be revealing tips you can use in your own charity or trust drawing on specialist knowledge of faith-based organisations in the third sector. This should not to be missed if you are a clergyman, priest, pastor or run a ministry, faith-based charity or trust.
We will be talking about how to safely manage Gift Aid and the best ways to ensure compliance is met. We will give tips on charity
accounting and maximising your church or charity’s income potential. We will discuss the Gift Aid Small Donation Scheme (GASDS) and how to navigate a HMRC audit.
You will also gain useful insights into how your charity’s legal position could affect your ability to retrospectively claim gift aid.
This event will take place in Croydon at Acts House on Union Road.
Des Stewart: Des has more than 25 years of experience working in the private and public sectors. For the last 10 years, working exclusively with third sector faith-based organisations after co-founding GoodtoGive. There, he has helped to develop an online declaration management system and hands-on governance services for small and large charities.
Sandeep Amar: Sandeep is a seasoned management consultant with over two decades of experience. Having worked across five continents, he has provided counsel to many organisations across the public and private sector. He has deep expertise in the area of Data Protection and Information Security.
- 10.00 Registration and Reception (with refreshments)
- 10:30 Introduction
- 10:40 Trustee compliance
- Trustee or Senior Leader Requirements in the 3rd sector
- Charitable Status & Registration
- Record Keeping and Auditing
- Financial Health
- 12:00 Break and Refreshments
- 12:20 GDPR compliance 9 months on
- 12:50 Increasing your churches/church income – Gift Aid and Fundraising
- 13:30 Networking and Meet the Team
- 14:00 End session
Acts House, 30 Union Road, Croydon, CR0 2XU
This is a free event, but registration is required as the numbers are limited.
Register HereTime
(Saturday) 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Acts House
Acts House, 30 Union Road, Croydon, CR0 2XU
Good To Give