banking; donation; charity accounting services; charity; banking; donation; charity accounting service; church; finances; accountability

May 24, 2024
British money

Church Responsibility: Doing More with Little

In Mark 12:42-44, Jesus observes a poor widow who puts two small coins into the temple treasury, contrasting her gift with the large amounts given by […]
May 23, 2024

Introducing Our Comprehensive Gift Aid Management and Maximisation Process

At GoodtoGive, we are committed to helping faith-based organisations maximise its donation potential through effective Gift Aid management. Our streamlined process ensures that every eligible donation […]
April 15, 2024

Busting the Myths: The Truth About Gift Aid and Its Misconceptions

In the world of charitable giving, Gift Aid stands out as a powerful tax benefit designed to maximise the impact of donations. However, some misconceptions hold […]
February 21, 2024

The Importance of Churches Banking Every Donation: Ensuring Transparency and Accountability

When it comes to non-profit organisations, transparency and accountability are not just ideals but necessities. This is particularly true for churches, which serve as pillars of […]
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