may, 2020

Event Details
New ways to increase charity income in a digital-driven culture ONLINE WEBINAR: Register for
Event Details
New ways to increase charity income in a digital-driven culture
ONLINE WEBINAR: Register for details
In this webinar we want to provide crucial advice and guidance on how to increase your charity income in the digital space that many churches have suddenly found themselves in. Covid-19 catapulted churches and charities into an online space that brought with it the sudden need for change and for many a reduction in income.
In this webinar you’ll learn how to maximise your charity income and increase digital donations so that your church thrives financially during Covid-19 and beyond.
Reasons to attend:
- Why churches and charities need to embrace digital culture and the dangers of not doing so
- How to maximise the opportunity for growth that the digital landscape provides for your church or charity
- Digital ways to increase your churches income
- How to maximise charity income through Gift Aid
- Gift Aid Management during Covid-19 and beyond
This webinar will take place on Tuesday 19th May at 1pm.
The event will be online and you will receive the link and instructions on how to join once you’ve registered.
Come and learn how to ensure that your church or charity thrives online.
Register HereTime
(Tuesday) 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
GoodtoGive Online
Register for details